To disseminate the gospel of Jesus Christ through all scriptural means,and by using every available media platform across the globe

To teach and preach the Word of God, with a particular emphasis on the revelation of God’s grace and the gift of righteousness.

To regularly administer the ordinances of Jesus Christ, specifically communion and water baptism.

To manifest the healing and delivering power of the Holy Spirit, encouraging believers to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

To educate and train members and leaders in the market place.

To establish ministries that offer scriptural instruction, guidance, and education to children, youth, and adults.

To respond to and provide care for widows, orphans, the elderly, and the needy in various challenging circumstances.

To foster the recognition of all true believers as members of the Body of Christ,promoting unity and fellowship among them.

To advocate for and support local, national, and international outreach missions, aswell as marketplace success and excellence.

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